Friday 11 March 2011

New 100 word challenge

This week there is a new 100 word challenge. Use these words in your writing - The crystal water was so clear you could see the bottom of…..

Have your buddy check your work, correct it and type it here!


  1. The crystal water was so clear you could see the bottom of the Loch Ness. Light headed, Tara took a step back. Unable to comprehend the enormity of what she was about to do, she dived. As she swam she realised that the water passed as smoothly through her lungs as oxygen. She felt a sharp pain in her legs and rubbed them. Her hands met slippery fish scales. Bubbles streaming out of her mouth Tara turned and looked. What she saw both amazed and excited her. Her legs had moulded together to create a rainbow-coloured shiny tail. This tail was immensely powerful and yet beautiful. She was, in short, a mermaid.

  2. This is a beautiful piece of writing - I love it. Mrs S

  3. Thank you! It took me ages.


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