Monday 14 February 2011

The Life of Sir Pip Davenport (last two paragraphs)

Pip invented the helter skelter; the swingboat; the steam-driven caurosel and the steam-driven Ferris wheel. In addition to these rides; he invented candyfloss modelling; coconut shy; hoopla; hook-a-duck (with real ducks!) and test your strength. During his marraige, Pip had four children (Ben, Henry, Hannah and James) whom adored the rides, as did his wife, Hettie. In 1873, Queen Victoria knighted Pip and made him Royal Fairground Inventor. Sir Pip Davenport became a well-established author and his eighteen books on fairground rides made him the one-hundred-and-fifth richest man in England.

In 1920 he died in his bed at Slewsbury Manor, his favourite place. His riches disappeared and nobody knows how he died. Was he murdered and his riches stolen? We will never know. But his inventions make sure his name still lives on today.


  1. Hi! Not sure who added this - it is excellent.There is a wide variety of punctuation - very clever!
    Mrs s.

  2. Hey! this writing is awesome, maybe it could use a little more excitement, you know, to pull the reader in, but other than that, its fantastic, you should be proud!!! :)


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